Top Ten Recipes of 2022

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Can you believe we're already a month into 2023? It feels like spring at my house!

Readers loved these recipes the most in 2022! Some are old favorites on the list and 2 are new additions. I love them all and I hope you will too!

Top Ten Recipes of 2022 from Southern Food and Fun

Number 10 - readers love this one

Number 9 - classic favorite

Number 8 - on the list for 10 years!

Number 7 - new to the list

Number 6 - long-time favorite

Number 5 - down from number 3

Number 4 - new to the list

Number 3 - previous number 1

Number 2 - up from number 7

and the Number 1 recipe - for three years running!

my favorites are #5 and #8. I hope you enjoy these recipes!



Southern Food and Fun